Hello! 👋

My name is Joshua. Welcome to my tiny sliver of the World Wide Web.

This is a place where I hope to put thoughts into words and grow more comfortable presenting my ideas.

For a while now, I've noticed that a considerable portion of my day-to-day goes into consuming: At work, I spend more time investigating code than producing it; outside of work, I carry a communication style that tends toward listening as opposed to speaking. Here, I'd like to restore that balance by writing about my observations, musings, and other bits and pieces that interest me.

<Personal stuff>

Besides the typical "food" and sports watching, my hobbies have mostly varied along whichever seasonal interests I happen to be swept up by——a sign that I'm still exploring. Nevertheless, I do know several things about myself:

  • Video games have been central to my adolescence, though I'm semi-retired from them. I prefer to approach them now from a different perspective or in analog form.

  • My primary creative descriptor is eclecticism. My journey into novel forms of art is generally breadth-first, accompanied by a set of broader themes I seek out; it won't take long before I'm able to express what resonates most with me. Ask me about my favorite genres! (music, film, etc.)

  • Unsurprisingly, even with high levels of introversion, I find nature to be uplifting and want to make a regular appearance to understand it, possibly through foraging or aquascaping. Somewhere down the line, when I'm more self-actualized, I plan to have a setup that rivals this.

Recently, I've been down an Urbanism rabbit hole, reflecting on how the different areas I've inhabited have affected my autonomy and desire for a sense of place.

...and going further

I'm of the belief that I was raised by the Internet, having grown up under the influence of a well-curated list of personalities and role models that have ebbed and flowed into and out of my life——an increasingly common occurrence among younger generations who have found inspiration, community, and much more out in the wild. I hope to embrace this in my works while being mindful of the opportunity to propagate this cycle and set even better examples. Maybe that takes place here or elsewhere in the open, in one form or another.


I can be found on other corners of the Web under the handle @flinesse.

Please don't be a stranger. If you wish to get in touch, you may reach me at josh [AT] fatamatsu [DOT] net.